ZONE 02-D AI Report

We noticed several glitches in our AI systems during document completion and speech recognition. These glitches have led to inaccurate data entry, misinterpretation of instructions, and other errors that have negatively impacted our research.
One of the problems we encountered was the tendency of the AI to fill in data in the wrong fields or to omit important information altogether. This leads to incomplete or incorrect data sets, which can negatively affect our research results. In addition, the AI's speech recognition capabilities were less than optimal, leading to misinterpretation of verbal commands and instructions.
Please correct this!

ZONE 02-B Web-Archive Report
As a scientist, I must say that I was disappointed by the unprofessional and clownish design of the web archive. It seems that the creators of the archive have spent more time trying to be funny than on creating a functional and user-friendly platform. As a service archive, design should not be a priority, and it is a waste of time and resources to focus on it. Instead, the creators should have focused on the content and functionality of the archive, making it more accessible and useful for researchers and academics. It is important to remember that the purpose of an archive is to preserve and provide access to information, not to entertain its users.